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A Guide to Sitemaps


Sitemaps are no doubts among the most often ignored and the undervalued aspects of the search engine optimization. One can spend the tremendous amount of time while working on pages which contain the original content, the critical word density and also getting the incoming links but have never spared even a single thought for the sitemap for the new creation. Know more about sitemap at this website


A sitemap is a page or pages that contain links and lists of all the documents in an individual's site. It is useful on two levels.


1. a visitor to your site can help with ease reference all materials on your site and get what they are exactly looking.

2. the search engine spiders can quickly find and also index all the pages of your place in the shortest period. SEO considered the use of a sitemap as more considerable and recommended that it should not ignore. Read more about SEO at

It is usually a win situation for most people especially the website visitors and the search engines.  You are just nuts if you have not considered including a sitemap in your overall website promotion strategy. It is however never too late to start. It is possible for you to create a sitemap today but there are of cos always the rules followed while creating an efficient sitemap that you need to follow, what is a sitemap?


You are supposed to link your sitemap from your homepage and never from another page. The reason behind it is that you will want the search engine spiders to find the link directly from your home page and start following it from there.


 If you have got the extensive website of about 50 pages or more pages, you are supposed to limit the number of the listed pages on the sitemap up to a maximum of 30. It will help in ensuring that your sitemap not misinterpreted as a link farm by any of the search engines.  It makes the sitemap a little more comfortable for the real human visitors to read through all the content. You might be forced to split your sitemap into 5, 10 or 20 pages when limiting the number of pages listed on all the sitemaps. It's worth knowing that if you happen to create the 20-page sitemap, you have equivalently 20 extra pages on the website content. You must make sure that your sitemap pages link to the next pages.  If for example, you have ten sitemap pages, it means that they have to connect to the other sitemap pages. If you are not keen while doing this, the visitors and the search engine spiders find a broken link and finally lose interest and go away.

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